I know Anthony was dying to have me put a photo of him on here! So here we are, New Years Eve 2004 at the Ashburn,
which neither of us particularly like, but hey, where else is there to go in LURGAN?! (Must go to the Limelight soon
to rid us of the chavvy cooties, eh?!)

Part two of guess who's sober!!! (it's me btw! lol!) Oh, to my left is Colm, right is Eemann

Aaron and Simon with Aaron's new prized possession..... a plastic cup! Britney drank out of that cup y'know!

Me and Aine at work charity night at the Goodyear in October '04. We've been nicknamed "the Bum-chums!" for no
reason in particular! Oh, and yeah... "We went to see Greenday!" :P

Me and Eemann, we be from da ghettos of Craigyland, ya know?! Innit?! Um... we're at the Beach Club.