Ooh, look at me trying to look all serious and stuff.... yeah, it ain't workin'!
Swingy swingy swingy! I was scared to sit on that at 1st, but it was fun!
Gimme a G! Gimme a C! What do ya get? Erm, Got Cheeeeeeeese?!
And the pictures just keep on getting weirder! This was Colm's birthday, and that drink I'm holding is officially called
"Bernie's Groovy Drink" it is Blue WKD and Red Square Purple Ice mixed together. Copyright to me and Ant!
Emo cam-whoreness rules! hehe!
Smiley, happy, *cough*drunken*cough me!
I was actually shocked that this uniform still fit me after 5 years! It was for my movie "The Oxfan Appeal" which
received rave reviews and got me a merit for that particular unit. I passed the whole course, yo!
This photo demonstrates the effects of non-stop partying. Don't end up like me, kids. Stay in school, don't drink, don't
do drugs, etc. Eh... yeah.