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Are You Listening?

"An indie state of mind"

Check out the Are You Listening website!

So, are you listening is something I feel pretty strongly about. Why? Well, recently the charts have changed so much. I used to look forward to listening to "The UK Top 40" every Sunday afternoon. The number one each week was usually listenable. Now, ringtones are getting the number one spot for crying out loud! Poor bands with real talent, be it singing, playing instruments or both, aren't getting a look in. A lot of the music in the chart now has started to sound the same to me, it's like something catches on so 50 more jump on the bandwagon. It's not so much the actual artist, it's the record companies. All they care about now is selling records, not the music Well, I'm sick of it!

the following is taken directly from ""

It is time for us as fans of quality, choice and trust to step up and say ARE YOU LISTENING? We need to say it to our friends who are jaded about music not being good anymore, because music is not only good, now it is better then ever, and you can find it through artist’s websites, download stores, live concerts, independent radio, media and record stores. We need to say it to radio, TV, press and record companies and also to bands, because they need to know you want music that speaks to you. Artists in this industry have been brainwashed more than anyone into thinking that they have no power without the corporate music companies. Those artists have forgotten that all the power is in the hands of the music they make and you, their fans. You can send a strong message to all artists that it is time to stand up for their music…and for you.

The artists that bring you quality, choice and trust are your partners along with the internet and independent companies. They are taking risks to give you more than the mediocre and we need to stand up and say yes, we are here and yes, WE ARE LISTENING. If we as the fans do not get involved we are the worst offenders. is just one part of the solution to a problem. We believe the most important thing is building back quality, choice and trust between artists and their fans and the way to do that is to bring them together and empower them to do just that. Our goal for is to be a portal for music fans to discover new artists and for artists to create a direct relationship with those fans. We all have a part in the solution and we are trying to do ours. This is just the beginning.

Thanks for listening.

Hanson says...

Taken from

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Disclaimer: I do not own, or anything related. Just promoting them!